When a guest stays at an upmarket hotel, they expect the guestrooms to be spotless. If a room does not seem or feel clean, it might result in a highly unpleasant hotel stay and a negative guest review. While cleanliness is demanded in all hotels, it is essential at higher-tiered establishments.

Professional hotel cleaning services aren’t as simple as changing bedding and picking up soiled towels while preparing for seasoned tourists. There are specific methods that professional hotel cleaning services should implement to guarantee that cleanliness requirements are met and that customers are satisfied.

It is why many hotels opt to outsource hotel room cleaning to a professional hotel cleaning services agency that can manage workers and ensure a consistently high-quality guest experience.

Important Steps to Clean the Hotel Room Professionally

The best method to maintain a high level of cleanliness across the hotel is to have a system in place for cleaning rooms. While some hotels adhere to the bare minimum in terms of cleanliness, you should go above and above to deliver a superior experience to high-end hotel visitors.

The Linens Should Be Removed

Remove all linens from the bed and inspect the mattress, mattress pad, bed frame, and other components for any stains or concerns.

Get Rid Of The Trash

Pick up any garbage left in the room once you’ve removed all of the linen from the bed. To find garbage, look inside drawers, around the bed frame, in corners, on windowsills, and even behind dressers.

Then gather any worn robes and slippers, as well as cups, glasses, room service trays, and so on.

Everything Must Be Dusted

Dusting is required since even a tiny bit of dust will stick out, especially to detail-oriented visitors, and give the impression that the entire area isn’t as clean as it should be. Make sure to wipe the dust off lampshades, artwork, and window sills from the top to the lowest surfaces.

Surfaces Should Be Wiped And Disinfected

Following that, you should clean all of the hard surfaces. It includes the remote control, telephone, doorknobs, light switches, and other high-traffic objects in the hotel room. It is a procedure that not all hotels take, but it is crucial to maintaining cleanliness. Clean picture frames, the bases of lamps and lampshades, the inside and outside of drawers, and even the mini-fridge door and handle.

Completely Clean The Bathroom

The bathroom is an area that must be kept immaculate at all times. You should clean and disinfect every part of the bathroom, from the toilet to the tub/shower to the sink.

Replace bedding, bathmats, and robes as needed, and clean the hairdryer if necessary.

It is the moment for you to be as meticulous as possible because a dirty bathroom will immediately make an unfavourable impression on a visitor.

Check for hair, watermarks, fingerprints, remnants of products, smudges on the mirror, even drip marks on the outside of the trash can, and other signs of a previous visitor.

Vacuum, Sweep, And Mop The Floors

Next, depending on the flooring, vacuum, sweep and mop the floors.

Keep an eye out for stains or other damage while vacuuming and sweeping. If it can be cleaned, do so with your cleaning supplies; nevertheless, if it cannot be cleaned, make sure to report it to your hotel’s system.

When cleaning, try if you can clear visible dust from the vents with the vacuum cleaner as well.

Make The Bed

You should make the bed after dusting the room. Starting with the mattress pad, make sure to smooth out every element of the bed. Everything from the cushions to the linens to the bedspread should be replaced so that your visitors enjoy a clean and comfortable stay.

The Best And Professional Hotel Cleaning Services By Focus Cleaning

It is clear how challenging it is for our experts to keep guest rooms clean now that you know what goes into them.

Consider partnering with a company like Focus Cleaning for professional hotel cleaning services if your hotel is having trouble maintaining the correct workforce or providing the best cleaning services. Contact us today at 647-532-2730 and let us make you experience our cleaning services.