Disinfection / Sanitization
and Fogging

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Milton Disinfection Service

At Focus Cleaning, we strive to make our clients’ hospitals safe and hygienic places to live. There’s no need to worry about the microbes in your hospitals. We have years of experience in the industry, so we are comfortable providing disinfection services. With state-of-the-art techniques, our knowledgeable cleaning professionals guarantee that no nook or cranny remains uncleaned. 

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Sanitization And Disinfection

We thoroughly clean the high-touch surfaces in your hospitals with each cleaning. As a result, you have more time and mental clarity and don’t have to worry about new infections developing on the surfaces in your hospitals.

ULV Fogging

ULV fogging system allows a dry-mist to penetrate all areas including all unreachable spaces for total coverage and safety. This Disinfection methodology is most efficient and safe because it disinfects every surface it spreads. It’s safe and environmentally friendly.

TOTAL 360 -Ultimate Disinfectant Solutions

With the fight against the coronavirus and other germs with Electrostatic Technology… absolutely FAST and 100% effective!
Electrostatic technology enables superior coverage of Clorox-trusted solutions in hard-to- reach places — the side, underside and backside of surfaces and highly unreachable areas
Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 5 seconds

  • 44 organism claims: Kills cold and flu viruses, MRSA and norovirus in 2 minutes or less
  • Eliminates odors
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Health Canada Approved Milton Disinfectants

There are instances in which Milton sanitization services require additional consideration. Perhaps it’s time to prepare the mall for guests. Perhaps flu season has arrived. It might even turn out to be a global pandemic. If so, we use enhanced methods of disinfection for the hard, high-touch surfaces in your hospitals. This keeps your family healthy by getting rid of newly emerging pathogens as they accumulate on surfaces. We want to concentrate on the pathogens that your family meets during the day on surfaces. 

Effective Disinfection

Improved disinfection services come with premium goods from well-known cleaning companies. We employ the best practices in the industry from our leading company, Focus Cleaning. When providing disinfection services, they adhere to comparable protocols. In a thorough disinfection treatment, high-touch surfaces are the focus of effective cleaning solutions. This is what you get when you work with Focus Cleaning. 

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