High Dusting & Ceiling

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Dust may appear to be a simple nuisance, but it is much more than that. It’s a breeding ground for bacteria and pollutants, endangering the health of 10.8% of Canadians with asthma, as well as countless others with allergies and respiratory sensitivities. Dust accumulates quickly in all indoor public spaces, from offices and schools to restaurants and libraries, owing to the constant influx of people, furniture, and other occupants.

Without usual dusting and maintenance, the buildup of dust can lead to poor indoor air quality, exacerbating respiratory conditions and causing discomfort for everyone. Furthermore, the presence of dust can contribute to the spread of airborne illnesses, so addressing this issue is critical to ensuring a healthy and safe environment for all residents.

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Dusting Hard-To-Reach Surfaces

We specialize in cleaning hard-to-reach areas where dust likes to hide, such as high ceilings, ventilation systems, and behind furniture. We use the appropriate tools and techniques to ensure thorough cleaning and dust removal, leaving your space sparkling clean and allergen-free. Studies have found a direct link between cleanliness and quality of life, work productivity, and even psychological well-being. By choosing Focus Cleaning, you are investing in the health and happiness of your employees, guests, and yourself. Our highly trained professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional ceiling cleaning services in Woodbridge that not only promote a healthy and safe environment but also enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your space.  

  • Fan blades and other hanging air fixtures
  • Overhangs
  • Skylights and high reaching windows
  • Atriums
  • Ledges of all kinds

Outstanding Cleaning Services

With our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction, We always deliver outstanding results, so you can rely on us. Allow us to handle the cleaning so you can focus on what’s really important. Imagine a world in which you can breathe freely, work efficiently, and relax comfortably. That’s what Focus Cleaning creates. Contact us and we’ll help you create a healthier, happier environment for everyone. 

Get in Touch

Fill out a form to get a quick quote on our high dusting service for your office! Or contact us directly.